







  1. Membership in this Association shall be open to males 18 years of age or older.
  2. Members of this Association shall always exhibit correct golf etiquette whenever or wherever they play the game of golf. Unbecoming conduct shall be grounds for rescinding membership.
  3. All members shall acquaint themselves with the rules of golf and play must be consistent with those rules.
  4. A member is considered in good standing when all dues and other monetary obligations are paid in full and when he is acting in conformity with the Constitution and Bylaws of this Association.
  5. New members who sign-up at the beginning of the year are eligible to be guests of the member who brought them in.
  6. A new member’s handicap shall be determined by using the new member’s 2/3 UGA or member-verified handicap and adding that score seven (7) times to determine a new average handicap.
  7. Any member signed up to play a tournament and does not show up to the tournament is responsible for tournament fees unless they contact the Mountain View Pro Shop (by email, voicemail or phone call) at least 24 hours prior to the start of the tournament.
  8. Lifetime member minimum qualifications:
    1. Must have been a member for a minimum of 10 years.
    2. Must have a minimum of 50% tournament participation in MVMGA tournaments in the year of being nominated.
    3. Must be at least 50 years of age.
    4. Will have been a positive influence toward the Association.
    5. Must have dedicated time in service to the Association by being a Board Member, donating to the Association, helping with scoring, helping with skin calculations etc.
  9. Senior members (aged 65 and older) may play from the white tees in all tournaments but must play from the blue tees in the Club Championship to be eligible to win the Club Championship.
  10. Shirts must be worn during all MVMGA tournaments.
  11. There shall not be a maximum number of members in the Association.






  1. Those that have an established UGA (Utah Golf Association) handicap shall become a member at 2/3 of that established UGA handicap.
  2. Those that have no established UGA handicap but are sponsored by an existing member, shall become a member at 2/3 of that handicap recommended by the sponsoring member.
  3. Those that do not fulfill either of the previous two conditions shall become a member at zero (0) handicap.
  4. Once a new member has played in 1 or 2 handicap counting tournaments their handicap shall be determined by the Handicap Chairman in consultation with the member.
  5. For all members who have recorded three (3) or more scores in a handicap counting tournament their handicap shall be determined as follows:
    1. 3-4 handicap tournament scores will average the lowest two (2) scores.
    2. 5-6 handicap tournament scores will average the lowest three (3) scores.
    3. 7-12 handicap tournament scores will average the lowest four (4) of the most recent seven (7) scores.
    4. 13+ handicap tournament scores will average the lowest seven (7) of the most recent thirteen (13) scores.
  6. Members will need to have a number of six (6) handicap tournament scores in the current or prior season in order to participate in the Club Championship, Later Summer Classic or the end of the season Point Race to ensure each member has an established handicap before play.
  7. Flighted Individual, Chicago and 2-Man Best Ball tournament formats shall count toward a member’s handicap.
  8. The maximum handicap allowed shall be 28.







  1. The initiation fee for new members shall be $50 payable when an application is submitted to the Association. This fee shall be returned if the application is rejected by the Membership Committee. All new members are encouraged to read the Association Constitution and Bylaws as posted at:
  2. The annual dues for retaining membership in this Association shall be $40 due and payable on January 1 of each year or prior to participation in any golf event. Members 65 years of age or older are required to pay $25. Lifetime members have their dues paid by the Association. Dues must be paid prior to participation in any MVMGA Tournament otherwise it will result in forfeit of any tournament winnings.
  3. All elected members to the Board of Directors shall have their dues waived by the association for the current playing season in lieu of their services rendered.






  1. The officers of this Association shall be a President and seven (7) additional members elected from the membership to constitute a Board of Directors.
  2. The immediate past President and the Pro Manager shall serve as additional members of the Board of Directors.
  3. Nomination for the Association officers shall be made by a Nominating Committee appointed by the Board of Directors. In addition any member can nominate another Association member any time prior to the final voting.
  4. Voting for the election of officers shall be held no later than the annual awards banquet. New officers shall take office at the time of the annual awards banquet and serve for one year subject to removal and until successors are duly elected.
  5. Outgoing officers shall remain available for council and guidance for the incoming officers through the remainder of the calendar year.
  6. Any vacancy in office shall, at the option of the Board of Directors, be filled by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may at their discretion elect not to fill a vacated Office.
  7. The President’s term is for one year. There is no term limits but the candidate must have been active at some time in the past on the Board of Directors prior to running for election.
  8. The Board of Directors shall elect a Treasurer; Secretary; Tournament & Rules Committee Chairman; Handicap Chairman; Social Director, and a Website Administrator and Chairman for the Membership Committee as nominated by the President. Each board member may select individuals from the membership to serve as members of his Committee. The President, Vice President and Pro Manager are ex-officio members of all Committees.







  1. The President when in attendance shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors. He shall enforce the requirements of the Constitution and Bylaws. He shall be empowered to call a meeting of the Board of Directors at any time it becomes necessary.
  2. The Vice President will preside in the absence of the President. He with the Pro-Manager will handle all publicity of the Association. Additionally he will be a co-signer on the MVMGA checking account and will audit the finances monthly.
  3. The Secretary shall have the custody of the Association Constitution and Bylaws and all other records and documents of the Association. He shall record the minutes of all general meetings and when requested shall read the minutes of any previous meetings. He shall have charge of all Association correspondence and e-mail addresses. He shall maintain an up to date list of members of the Association together with their addresses and telephone numbers. A copy of this list shall be maintained in the Pro Shop.
  4. The Treasurer shall keep the monetary accounts of the Association and shall collect dues, contributions, gifts and any other monies under the direction of the Board of Directors. He shall sign all checks drawn of the funds of the Association and shall report in writing the state of the finances at all Board of Directors meetings. Monthly financial statements shall be provided to any member upon their request and at an agreed upon time and place. At the last meeting of the year he shall present a written report showing all receipts, expenditures and ending cash balances for the year.
  5. The Tournament & Rules Committee Chairman shall be responsible for drafting a complete schedule of tournaments for the season. The draft is to include formats, fees and rules and be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval. Objections from the membership concerning the tournament schedule or other pre-planned events will be considered at the first general meeting only. He shall see that each tournament is played in an equitable and satisfactory manner. In the event of handicap discrepancies for new members they shall be addressed by the Board of Directors. He shall see that the rules of golf are strictly adhered to by the members of the Association at all times. He shall resolve all questions from the members pertaining to any interpretation of the rules. He shall see that the rules for each tournament scheduled shall be agreed upon by the Board of Directors and added to the tournament schedule before it is approved and distributed to the Association.
  6. The Handicap Chairman shall see that all members have established handicaps as established by the Association. He shall assure that all handicaps are current prior to each tournament. New member handicap calculations shall be provided by a fair method as approved by the Board of Directors.
  7. The Social Director shall conduct all social activities pertaining to the Association. Activities requiring expenditures from the Treasury shall receive prior approval of the Board of Directors.
  8. The Website Administrator and Membership Chairman shall be responsible for keeping the club website ( current with all Club issues. The website is intended to be the primary source of information for all club members. He shall also be responsible accepting and rejecting applicants for membership always keeping the welfare of the Association in mind. He shall have the authority to rescind membership of any member exhibiting unbecoming conduct.
  9. The State Representative shall be the Club President, or his designee, and shall be responsible for promoting and enhancing the posture of high standing of the Association to the Utah Golf Association (UGA). He shall attend the regular meeting of the UGA where his presence is allowed and transmit any pertinent information to the membership.











  1. The general procedure of any meetings of this Association shall be in harmony with the principles set forth in the newly revised Robert’s Rules of Order so long as they do not conflict with any provisions of this Association’s Constitution and Bylaws.
  2. The order of business at all general meetings shall be:
    1. Call to order
    2. Minutes of previous meeting
    3. Association Communications
    4. Reports of all Officers pertaining to their duties
    5. Unfinished business
    6. New business
    7. Adjourn






  1. These bylaws may be amended by seven (7) votes of the Board of Directors when such actions are not a variance with the Constitution. If a member of the Board of Directors is absent, his vote may be counted by absentee ballot. Upon adoption of any amendment, a copy of the change shall be posted on the MVMGA web site, and the membership shall be notified. The Board of Directors will utilize these new bylaws once approved. However the final approval of these amended bylaws will occur annually at the general meeting with an affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3) of the members assembled at the next general meeting.



  • AMENDED Nov. 2016
  • AMENDED Feb. 2017.
  • AMENDED Jan. 2017.
  • AMENDED Sep. 2017.
  • AMENDED Feb. 2018.
  • AMENDED Feb 2024.