2025 Tournament Schedule

MVMGA 2024 Tournament Schedule

Dates and Times may change due to weather related conditions.

2024 registration is required to participate. Dues are to be paid by April 15th. Any member not paid after cutoff will forfeit tournament winnings.

This year we are excited to bring you our inaugural Splash Media Cup presented by Splash Media

March 16
· Spring Kickoff – Flighted Individual
· Counts Toward Handicap
Blue/White Shotgun start
March 30
· Individual Chicago
· Counts Toward Handicap
Blue/White Shotgun start
April 6
· Member Guest 2 Man Best Ball
· Pick Your Partner
· Counts Toward Handicap
Blue/White Shotgun start
April 13
· 1 Man Scramble Blue/White Shotgun start
May 3-4
· Paradise HVAC 2 Day Ringer
· Rd 1 counts Toward Handicap
Blue/White Shotgun start
May 18
· Burgers and Birdies (Indy Chicago)
· Counts Toward Handicap
Blue/White Shotgun Start
June 6 Friday · Mtn. View Classic Draw Party and Dinner Time: TBD
June 7-8
· Mtn. View Classic sponsored by Greg Gust Concrete
· Leaders Paired Sunday
· Both Days Count Toward Handicap
Blue/White Shotgun start
June 22
· 36-Hole 2-Man Best Ball
· Rd 1 counts Toward Handicap
Blue/White Shotgun start
July 13
· Flighted Indy

· Counts Toward Handicap

Blue/White Shotgun start
July 26-27
· 57th Annual MVMGA Club Championship sponsored by Spherica and Top Shelf Cabinets
· Flighted ½ Gross ½ Net
· Leaders Paired Sunday
· Both Days Count Toward Handicap
Blue/White Shotgun Saturday/Tee Times Sunday
August 10
· Flighted Indy
· Counts Toward Handicap
Blue/White Shotgun start
August 24
· Splash Media Cup Round 1 presented by Splash Media
· Individual Chicago
· Points Accumulated During the Season
· Counts Towards Handicap
Blue/White Shotgun start
September 7
· Splash Media Cup Round 2 presented by Splash Media· Individual Chicago
· Points Accumulated During the Season
· Counts Towards Handicap
Blue/White Shotgun Start
September 21 Sunday · Splash Media Cup Final Round presented by Splash Media· Individual Chicago
· Points Accumulated During the Season
· Season Long Leaders Paired
· Counts Toward Handicap
Blue/White Shotgun Start
October 5
· 6-6-6 Two Man Blue/White Shotgun Start
  • Sign-ups open 2 weeks before a tournament.
  • You must sign-up by the Wednesday before each tournament.
  • Tournament Pairings will be emailed on Friday.
  • ** A guest is defined as a non-MVMGA member for at least one consecutive year. The point of this tournament is to bring in new members.



Each player plays their own ball. The team score is the lowest Net score on the hole. Each player receives their full handicap.


Each player receives a preliminary number of points based on their individual handicap. 39 = Players MVMGA Handicap. For example, a 1-handicapper starts with 38 points, a 2-handicapper 37 points, a 3-handicapper 36 points, and so forth. Playing points are awarded based on the score a competitor receives on each hole. A bogey wins one point, a par two points, a birdie four points, an eagle eight points and a double eagle or hole-in-one is 16 points. The winner is the player who earns the most playing points in excess of his preliminary point allotment.
Stroke play rules apply. There are no mulligans, gimmies, exceptions or moving the ball. The ball is played where it lies unless it enters a hazard or becomes unplayable. Each golfer plays his own ball throughout the round.

2-Day Ringer

The Ringer Tournament is a multi-round golf tournament that results in one 18-hole score per player. Each golfer plays 2 rounds and posts their scores on each hole per round. The lowest of each round’s scores per hole are recorded will represent the final score.


The A+ Cup consists of a yearlong point system and a final tournament to be played in September. To qualify for this tournament a player must earn a minimum of 40 A+ Cup points. The A+ Cup pays cash prizes in three places: 1st Place, 2nd Place and 3rd Place.

Stroke play rules apply. There are no mulligans, gimmies, exceptions or moving the ball. The ball is played where it lies unless it enters a hazard or becomes unplayable. Each golfer plays his own ball throughout the round.

The player tees off twice, selects a preferred drive, and marks its location. Two balls are played from within one club length of the mark, no nearer the hole (six (6) inches from a mark on the putting surface). A ball may not be moved when it is to be played from within a hazard or a bunker, or is clearly unplayable. If a player elects to play a ball from this condition, the first ball must be played as it lies, the second ball may be placed. The condition of the ball may not be changed (e.g. no moving from the rough to the fairway, fringe to green, etc.). This format is repeated until the ball is holed.